Property summary

Address: 2110 LYNDALE AVE S 55405

Property ID: 3302924110025

Property ID: 3302924110025



Taxpayer (Source: Hennepin County)

Please visit Hennepin County for current information.

Valuation history

Last sale date: 04/01/1984
Current taxable value
Full valuation history

Lot information

Lot size 6,240
Tract/block 106700 / 1007
Zone BFC6 / Corridor 6 Built Form Overlay District
CM2 / Corridor Mixed Use District


Primary use RETAIL

Please visit Hennepin County for current information.

Relative homestead

Please visit Hennepin County for current information.

Assessor/ext. Suzanne / (612) 673-2294

Rental information

Rental licenseN/A
Lodging houseN/A

Lead paint information

Lead paint present Presume lead if built before 1978
Lead paint intact Unknown

*Call 612-673-2301 for more information. Most properties built before 1978 have lead paint. If property was built after 1978 present of lead paint is unlikely. Lead paint status will vary in multi-unit structure.

Energy star information

There is not energy star data for this property.

Parcel flags

There is not parcel flags data for this property.

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