Residential Block Event Permit Application or National Night Out Registration

A Residential Block Event is a temporary gathering of people for which attendance, whether free or for charge, is open to the public, and that is held on a blockaded portion of a one (1) or more contiguous blocks of a single street or alley in any area within the city which is entirely bordered on both sides by properties within the urban neighborhood districts as delineated in the zoning code.

National Night Out is a city sponsored event held annually on the on the first Tuesday in August each year, during which community members host many Residential Block Events across the city.

The Submission Deadline for this Residential Block Events Permit Application is 5 business days before the date of the event.

Minneapolis City Code Chapter 455 regulates block events and requires event organizers to obtain a permit from the City prior to holding a block event. Block Event Permits may not be transferred to any other person, organization, location, or event. A block event permit may be denied for a number of reasons, including non-compliance with or past violations of the city code or block event permit requirements or conflicts in the date and/or location requested. Additionally, we may revoke an approved block event permit for violations of the city code or the approved permit, or in the event of an emergency constituting an imminent threat to life or property.

For questions about this Application, reasonable accommodations, or alternative formats, please call us at 612-673-2220 or send an email to [email protected].Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service by calling 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users call 612-263-6850. Para asistencia, llame al 311. Rau kev pab 311. Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 311.

Contact Information
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Minneapolis will not use your email address except to follow up on this application.

National Night Out
Is this a National Night Out registration?